Sunday 8 April 2012

Dahling's Birthday

I know, I haven't been blogging for a long time... Slightly more than a month more like it. Work has been pretty crazy since January and all the time in between that is spent bumming around at home, sleeping, reading or at the gym ( gosh haven't been working out for a week, fatter die me ).

However, if you expect a wordy post today then you should probably turn back now because I'm still in that "hung over" phase from last night's party and I just wanna post pictures heh. It's for the best really, because I'd risk sounding like a retard ( i get dumber after clubs ). So, enjoy-!

Group photo-! First time clubbing with Reena&Sathid

Went to Ariel's house around 10pm first to lepak and wait for Ellen to finish her shift because we were all going together gether. We had a really quiet drive to Vertigo, I guess it's because we've lost all the hype of clubbing already.

I remember when it was my first few times going out at night. I used to get all excited like a week prior to partying and go crazy in the morning of the actual day. And now I'm like "meh". But I still love going, don't get me wrong XP

With the birthday boy. It wasn't his actual birthday but we were celebrating it in advance. Also, it has been a while since we last clubbed with Tze-!

Random flashback again. I find my nightlife for the past 2 years pretty amazing ( for my bloody low standard ) because I used to go every week @.@ can't even fathom on how I had the energy to go partying every week. And it was one of the main causes I went really broke last year -.-

Fargutz... With Jiyni photobombing them. Everyone had so much fun last night... Spamming my camera with their nonsensical photo's and shit.

With the guys. Sang Ping Er is ridiculously good in photobombing people's pictures I tell you.

What I practically did was "bottom's up" all the way and went straight to Nero around 1am. We were at Bianco but the dance floor was super not happening. And the only people that were dancing, were shufflers-! Owh god i seriously despise people who shuffles on the dance floor because they need like a 10meter radius to shuffle-! Which btw eliminates all chances of other people dancing. That, and they're virginity protection level is just too god damn high lol. They totally deserve it.

Ellen and duck face Ariel.

With the birthday boy, whom I seldom NOT go clubbing with lol. You know how sometimes we all have different cliques of friends? For example separating our college friends with our clubbing friends? Well all of us don't seem to have a problem in this area... Especially him and we've been partying together ever since I can remember lol.

No, it's not something that anyone should be proud of but it's the sorta friendship I really appreciate. And he's going to be leaving Msia to further his studies abroad... so :'( we'll make sure he gets even more drunk that last night.

These 3 were goners XP

Andea, Ellen, Ariel and I went to Di Kayu for an early breakfast after everyone dispersed lol. Thank god Andrea came home with me because by then I was already feeling a massive hangover coming on and was definitely not fit to drive ( see im so responsible scoffs ). 

Reached home close to 5am... Entered the house at ran straight for the bathroom to... Yeah u can imagine what happens next XP Passed out in the same place for an hour or so before Andrea woke me up by opening the bathroom door which knocked my head *ouch*. 

Kay so this is like the lowest point for me EVER. Definitely don't ever wanna feel like this again. The last time I came close to this was last year at Opera, and even back then I've already swore to never puke that much lol. Lowest... -.-

My fav picture of the night... I just can't keep my eyes off of Jiyni's eyes and nostrils man. I edited it into black and white because the original one really cannot make it, what with the redness of her cheeks and all lol.

Kay that's all for now. I'll blog about work or degree or whatever shit that comes to my mind. Till then =)

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