Wednesday 22 February 2012

That's A Big Cup

Breakfast at Chilla Cup @Subang Avenue with Lydia the boss and Ellen. Kay so she isn't exactly my boss, we just like calling her that because she was the second most senior SPG before she left Fridays =(
But anyways, we were damn honored that she decided to spend her last breakfast with us before flying back to Melb @3.30pm. 

Typical continental breakfast with toast, 5 sidelines and a big ass cup of earl grey tea = RM15.90

No, I don't think it's pricey or anything because the food was okay and the atmosphere of the place is superb,  either for breakfast alone or with lovely dumbass friends.

So anyways, I've known this Lydia person here for about, 2months or so? And we both gave each other a really bad first impression at first, but we both grew outta that stage like after the 1st or 2nd day of working together. She's the sorta person where you can really go to for genuine and heartfelt advice on absolutely anything-! But if you're looking for a person who sugar coat's advice then, well... She may not be the right person because she tells it like it is.

We're not really morning people lol.

The main thing she really helped me with is when I used to date this guy around the same time I met her I'll berstory about that later  but yeah. She really opened my eyes about how our entire relationship was just basically, a 'lie'? Kay not a lie laa but, it's really hard to explain. Long story short, she could really see that I wasn't happy with where it was going and she told me, straight and hard... Sounds wrong but you get what I mean.

I texted her a few hours before she left for Melbourne and she replied by apologizing if she was too harsh with me before, as in the advice that she gave me and that she only wanted what was best for me and didn't want to see me get hurt lol. 

Fine, so maybe this part doesn't really matter much, but what bothered me was that how could a person which I've only met for 2months know me so well? As in that I was not genuinely happy at that time? And that my other friends said that everything would work out and just smiled at me every time I brought the grim topic up?! Not that I've got bad friends, what I really meant is that, they're still scared that they'll hurt my feelings and what not, and I'd rather the people who are the closest to me, be honest with me than trying to jaga my feelings so I don't get hurt.

But anyhoozies this isn't about me, I do kindda still feel... A bit grimmish when I think about it. So, try not to ask me about it I guess? Thanks.

Lydia is one of the main reason I loved working at Fridays, otherwise working there would be kindda, dull and whatever laa. 

Thank goodness the place was empty because we were talking and laughing like nobody's business. Owh yeah, and I still haven't fulfill my with of coming here to have my breakfast alone, and reading my book in peace. 

I've always wanted to since CDL last year (CDL was held in Subang Avenue btw) but haven't got the chance to. There WAS one week some time last year when I had the chance to, but then dengue decided to gimme a nice visit, for the second time lol -.-

IKR all of my friends thinks I'm damn sad just because I like going out alone, or eating breakfast alone and stuff like that. But hey, I actually find it pretty liberating. Because ever since I've started work and had my 'side activity', I didn't have much time for myself. Well now, I have =) 

This last picture is just for laughs XP At least I got thinner yay-! I mean, compared to the photo's that is -.-

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