Saturday 18 May 2013

Stages Of Dealing With A Broken Heart.

Stage 1
Disbelief, shock, numbness, strength, sadness, confusion, anger, fear of loneliness.

Stage 2
Anger, disbelief, strength, fear, hostility, and vengeance may show up, pain, and sorrow.

Stage 3
Missing the person intensely, pain, sorrow, numbness, confusion, missing the person intensely, wanting to cave, pain, fear of loneliness, disbelief, negative internal dialogue, acceptance.

Stage 4
Numbness, acceptance, strength, pain, fear of loneliness, sorrow, numbness, disbelief, wanting to insult the person, vengeance may show up, sorrow, anger, acceptance, strength.

Stage 5
Missing the person less intensely, pain, acceptance, fear of loneliness, negative self outlook, loss of hope for future relationships, needing the company of others, numbness, acceptance.

Stage 6
Acceptance, needing the company of others, loss of hope for future relationships, negative internal dialogue, missing the person less intensely, needing the company of others, strength.

Stage 7
Strength, wanting to improve, feeling attractive again, acceptance, needing the company of others, missing the person less intensely, a little bit of sorrow at night while in bed.

Stage 8
Acceptance, needing the company of others, hopeful about the future, wanting to improve, missing the person sometimes, strength, positive internal dialogue, needing the company of others, feeling OK about being single.

Sigh. Is it possible to never ever feel that way again?