Saturday 5 May 2012

Look Out Behind You

April has been a really hectic month-! It's really not easy studying and working part time at the same time. My social life has reduced drastically and I rarely spent time with my family... That being one of the major contributions to why I've decided to resign, and because my dad forced me too -.-

Dahling's official birthday on the 22nd of April. We patiently waited for his highness's arrival for about an hour or so? Celebrated at Fridays Sunway, of all places right lol. As if Ellen and I don't get enough of Fridays on a daily basis already. 

Ordered a cocktail that night but Michelle and Ellen finished most of it because... I could feel myself getting a bit cuckoo quarter way to the glass harhar. I've got a very bad history with cocktails -.-

Samantha, Ellen and I, with Mamun trying to photobomb us at the back.

Working at Fridays has been such a great opportunity for me. I actually dreaded having to leave because I felt like I've bonded so much with the people there. And when I've finally got to learn the ropes and what not, then it was time to leave. 

Back when I was doing my first internship, I often wondered why seniors were so selfish. If not selfish, then they were very unwilling to train trainees and often blame them for not doing things right the first time.  Now however, I realised that they weren't being selfish, they were just looking out for themselves mostly. Its in our nature to be possessive, and some take advantage of other people... Especially in the service industry, in my opinion that is.

And for the unwillingness-to-train-newbies part... They always see trainees or new staff come and go. Having to teach someone everything they now with such dedication in the beginning, only to have them move on to some other department a month later. Its like, whats the point training someone when they're going to leave eventually?!

I've experienced that about 3 times or more ever since working at Fridays. Though I wasn't their official coach or anything, of course you'd feel obligated to watch out for them, make sure they don't get scolding like how I did and such. But in the end, I felt that my efforts were greatly unappreciated and some even just left unannounced. That really made me @.@

I'd help certain people when I was working there, and then I would just bat an eyelash to others. I wasn't always like that, I'd like to think that I helped everyone, even in the smallest way possible. But some were just plain ungrateful.

So the next time you judge me for being a selfish person... Well, you're either to ignorant, judgemental or have absolutely no experience working. But to me, I'm just looking out for myself. Always have to. It's a dog-eat-dog world after all. 

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